Tailored Wellness Total™ Classes



Total body consultation includes posture alignment analysis to create an individual, tailor made therapeutic exercise program using Pilates, GYROTONIC®, GYROKINESIS®, and Yamuna® Body Rolling techniques.

  • A 15-minute consultation will take place prior to your private studio session to discuss aims, lifestyle, current activity, exercise and medical history.

  • Analysis of postural alignment will provide insight into causes of issues including restricted movement, muscle pain and stiffness. In cases where there is a loss of flexibility or function following an injury or where there is a history of chronic pain or ongoing back, shoulder, hip, or pain in any area containing soft tissue, myofascial analysis can reveal particular patterns which affect the musculoskeletal system and cause postural imbalances.

  • Once these patterns have been identified during the consultation and assessment, an individual tailor-made exercise program across all suitable modalities will be implemented to help correct alignment and postural issues, allowing for facilitated movement and improved physical performance.

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